Share culture
A youth exchange on culinary traditions and healthy living
„You are what you eat. Think Healthy!
You are what you learn. Choose Erasmus+!”
Share Culture project was implemented by IKAROS Foundation from Bucharest, Romania, during March – December 2017 and was financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program.
The aim of the project was to bring together 36 young people coming from six partner countries in a non-formal learning experience about intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and solidarity, all explored through culinary traditions and healthy living.
The central activity of the project, the youth mobility, was organized in Sinaia, Romania and lasted ten days, from 20 to 30 of August 2017. Debates on sustainable food systems, visit to an eco farm, a multicultural food festival were only few of the activities organized by the participants.
The ten day youth mobility was splited into three main pillars on which participants have built the interactive activities, workshops and the overall learning experience.
Pillar 1
It was dedicated to exploring sustainable food systems and the nowadays challenge regarding the need to feed a planet versus the need to eat healthy. Participants have reflected at the importance of building sustainable food systems in which local farmers are supported and encouraged and population is educated toward the importance to choose a healthy and responsible life. In order to go deeper in understanding this pilon, participants have realized a visit to the ecologica farm Bio&CO and, in another day of the training, have welcomed Alina Constantinescu, a local farmer from Prahova county, who produces biological fruits and vegetables.
Pillar 2
It was dedicated to exploring the importance of the intercultural dialogue and of the European values. Debates were complemented by cooking activities, by intercultural nights and most of all, by organizing a multicultural food festival. The festival was realized with the support of the City Hall of Sinaia and the Carmen Sylva Cultural Center which hosted the whole event.
Pillar 3
It was represented by the daily moments of individual and group reflection guided by the Youthpass key competences.The idea behind is that learning happens not just by putting into practice the theory, but mainly by internalyzing, reflecting on the competences gained and on how to transpose what was learnt into practice, in own reality.